This is the
Quantum Biology Ecosystem
The future of biology is quantum, and three organizations are building the quantum biology industry by design. If you are a researcher, funder, or a curious member of the public, learn more about the field and follow progress on the technical roadmap here.
Latest updates from the Quantum Biology Ecosystem

Weak magnetic field effects in biology are measurable
The Quantum Biology Institute releases large-scale data demonstrating that tadpole physiology reacts to the absence of Earth's tiny magnetic field. How tadpoles do so may have vast implications, including for longevity, ecology, and space travel.
Learn more about quantum biology
Explore the Quantum Biology Roadmap
Find out how we intend to unambiguously prove or refute a quantum-to-biology link; how much time it is going to take; and which new instruments this will involve. Check it out—along the way, some new technologies will be spun off!